cité des sciences

maison du nombre

The “Maison du Nombre” (House of Numbers), will provide premises for teachers and researchers in the field of mathematics and computer science. Together with the “Maison des Arts et des Étudiants” (House of Arts and Students) it forms a building complex in the northern part of the Blast Furnace Terrace. Thanks to its particular location, a space has been created between the buildings that will enhance the quality of the urban environment and facilitate social contacts. The austerity of the Maison du Nombre engages in an architectural dialogue with the almost frivolous appearance of the Maison des Arts et des Étudiants. Both contribute to the creation of a harmonious urban centre around the three main elements of the Belval site, namely the blast furnaces, the “Maison du Savoir” (House of Knowledge) and the RBC bank tower building.