cité des sciences

halles d'essais ingénieurs

The “Halles d'Essais Ingénieurs” (Engineering Testing Halls) – planned as part of engineering education and research, used for testing in civil engineering, building physics, and mechanical or electro-technical engineering – is the first building of a complex that also includes two research laboratory buildings. Located east of the Blast furnace terrace, this plot is uniquely positioned, west of the “Maison du Savoir” (House of Knowledge), north of the “Maisons des Matériaux” (House of Materials) and south of the “Halle des Soufflantes” (Blasting Hall). The Halles d'essais ingénieurs has a simple and compact volume, including two types of floor areas – a hall and workshops – in order to provide maximum flexibility for the preparation of a large variety of tests performed on different scales.

Project Management:

Architecture: Jean Petit architectes / Michel Petit architecte

Civil engineering: Simon & Christiansen

Technical engineering: Goblet Lavandier & Associés