cité des sciences

maison de l'environnement Il

The overall concept of the natural sciences cluster founded by the “Maisons des Sciences de la Vie, de l’Environnement et des Matériaux” (Houses of Sciences, Environment and Materials), is based on a variety of activities, urban transparency and the need for flexibility because of the evolving nature of lab research in various scientific fields. This concept lays out the broad architectural parameters that each building must meet, in order to create true unity in diversity. Located opposite the “Maison du Savoir” (House of Knowledge), it is – together with the “Maison des Matériaux I” (House of Materials I) and the “Maison de l’Environnement I” (House of the Environment I) – the northern side of the “place de l’Université” (University Square). Along with the Maison de l’Environnement I the T-shaped building forms two forecourts in accordance with the urban concept for the site. The first building faces towards University Square and marks the starting point of the Highway; the second emphasises the urban network connecting the new Belval site to the neighbouring residential areas in the north.